Friday, August 25, 2017

Apparently, honesty is not the best policy

Can you feel the severe eye roll?  I’m doing it right now … and every day, it seems (incidentally, I'm a firm believer that Facebook needs an eye-roll reaction right next to the "like" button--can someone over there get on that, please?).  My biggest pet peeve, if you can call it that, is dishonesty.  I can’t stand people that lie and lie consistently.  Why is it so damn hard to tell the truth?  Often, I ponder why a person might lie – do they really believe what they’re saying is true?  Are they just out there to gain sympathy or showboat a fake confidence when inside, they house an inner crumbling personality with low self-esteem?

It’s not hard to spend a lot of time thinking about this as of late.  It’s frustrating to me to turn on the television and see the current government administration lying out of their teeth day in and day out, while muttering under my breath, “Jesus Fucking Christ, do people really buy into this bullshit?”
The egregious behavior stabbing at my annoyance got me thinking about people in history and characters in stories that had such a power over words that they were able to get people to buy into what they were saying, even if they didn’t emanate it or believe it themselves.  Hitler is a prime example.  He believed in a perfect race of tall blue-eyed, blonde-haired people, yet he himself did not have blonde hair and standing at 5’9 really doesn’t equate to “tall” in today’s terms.  So, why did so many people buy into what he was selling when he didn’t even fit his own description?  Voldemort is another.  While a fictional character, it’s the same type of thing.  He was able to gain a huge following based on the idea that true wizards and witches were full-blood, yet he himself was only half-blood.  No one ever called him out on that shit and I wonder why?

This brings me to the current situation we find sitting in the White House.  It’s ridiculous to me that Trump goes to these rallies and talks about “draining the swamp” when he in fact has put people in positions of power within the White House that meet the very definition of the swamp.  He says he supports LGBTQ rights, but he wants to ban transgender service members in our military based on incorrect data about medical costs associated with hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery.  Hello, did you know the military spends more on Viagra???  Jesus, did he botch the Charlottesville thing.   It took the guy way too long to denounce White Supremacists and Nazi hate groups and even then, he flip-flopped on his views from one day to the next.  And the stories coming from him or the people working for him …  Bowling Green massacre?  General Pershing and the pig-blood bullets?  You’ve done more in six months than any other President?  Stop.  Just stop already.  

My point is, don’t people see these lies?  Don’t they see he’s not even doing what he says he’ll do?  Don’t they see that he doesn’t care and that he’s only out there to profit off the highest office in the country?  

While our current state of affairs is quite fascinating and history-making, it’s also very frustrating and disheartening.  I’m sad, I’m angry, I’m frustrated, I’m embarrassed, and I hate the fact I have to listen to people that are supposed to have integrity stand up and lie through their teeth on a daily basis meanwhile blaming the news outlets and calling the reputable ones “fake.”  Seriously?  What has our country come to that this is okay and is now an expected modus operandi?  I know someday I will look back on this time and lament on what a wild ride it was.  Right now, all I can do is just look forward to the future where we’ll be out of this madness and in a more honest and humble environment.  I can’t lose what little faith in humanity I have left.

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