Tuesday, February 3, 2015

We all can't be therapists...

As with many families, mine is prone to drama.  A lot of it.  It seems to stem from one source on a regular basis and it had me saying, "Enough!"  Over the last several months, I've thought about sharing this post with the greater world purely for my own benefit:  I need to get it off my chest.  The reason why it has taken so long to write is I let my inner voice dictate my actions.  You know that voice...the one that says, "Don't do it--you'll piss someone off."  Actually, I'm sure this will piss many people off, but the bigger point (other than to get it off my chest) is to get everyone thinking about the time they give (or take from) others, especially when it comes to unproductive behavior.

Ok, here's where I'm going with this.  Because of this family drama and this one particular source, it seems as if I've spent an inordinate amount of time listening and trying to help, mostly to no avail.  It's a lot like my job in HR used to be sometimes when employees wanted to vent, only I'm not getting paid in this situation.  As I continued to allow the repeated "time suck" to occur, I began to question this regular occurrence.  And I ask, "Is it truly fair to continue to use the time of friends and family to complain or spread drama?"  Mind you, we aren't therapists that charge by the hour (although, sometimes it feels like we should be).

I understand that as human beings, it's not a good idea to bottle things up and to never talk to others for fear that you're wasting their time.  We need to talk things out and deal with them.  My point is; however, is to do it constructively.  Make it a brain-storming effort for all involved so the problem actually gets addressed (and hopefully corrected) so it stops happening.  If you're just into bitching about something or creating drama, then get a therapist.  That's what they get paid for.  The rest of us could be using our time more wisely than listening to drama and complaints that don't go anywhere and that suck the life blood out of you.

So, friends, today's message is simple:  time is precious.  Use it wisely and don't let others take it from you for their own petty shit. 

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